john paul ii

Civilization wydanie 27.10.2023 – 3.11.2023
Stunned by the experience of grace
Wanda Półtawska, also called John Paul’s “sister”, died October 25 aged 102 years.
Interviews wydanie 5.05.2023 – 12.05.2023
Nazism was less harmful than communism
“What is happening around John Paul II is a revenge of communism for the defeat inflicted upon it by the pope,” says professor Paweł Skibiński, a historian.
Columns wydanie 10.03.2023 – 17.03.2023
Who wants to transform Poles?
The crux of the ongoing culture war in Poland is not the conflict around the cult of the pope.
Columns wydanie 20.05.2022 – 27.05.2022
Vatican structures riddled with corruption
What did John Paul II do to curb sex crimes in the Church?
Columns wydanie 1.04.2022 – 8.04.2022
The Kremlin’s Tricks Towards the Vatican
The criticisms made against St. John Paul II by the writer Józef Mackiewicz, might come as a surprise.
Columns wydanie 25.03.2022 – 1.04.2022
The Blessed Virgin Mary’s Order Fulfilled
On Friday at 5pm, Pope Francis performed the Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary